Oh no! You missed the Ultimate Bucket Hat Sew Along, it’s okay I’ve crammed all the good stuff into this awesome blog post s to make it super easy to find it all.

Here you will find a blog on the two hat method written by the lovely Christine from Australian Sewing Advice and Inspiration.
Ultimate Bucket Hat Sew Along Week 1 – Adjustable Ladies Bucket Hat with Crown Band
Day 1-Cutting and Interfacing your Pieces
Day 2– Making the Brim
Day 3– Attaching the walls to the lid
Day 4– Putting it all together
Ultimate Bucket Hat Sew Along Week 2 – Children’s Bucket hat with regular brim and reversible chin strap hack
Day 1– Cutting and Interfacing your peices
Day 2– Assemble side 1
Day 3 – Repeat Day 2 for the other side.
Day 4– Join them together and topstich the brim
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