The weather outside is frightful (hmmm, kinda), but the fire is so delightful (yeah, no, definitely not fire weather this side of the equator), and since we’ve no place to go (thanks corona), let us sew let us sew let us sew ?
What better way to get into the swing of celebrating the festive season than with some uber festive cloth pads (the red dawn doesn’t care what season it is so might as well be prepared) :b

Pretty much started out like any other testing pattern day…send file to the Husbander for him to print; instructions gets printed; Husbander gives me the printouts; put printouts down somewhere; survey fabric options; decide that I’m ready to begin; struggle to remember where printouts are; hunt entire house for printouts; find printouts; start reading through printouts; realize it’s missing the pattern pieces; ask Husbander to print pattern pieces; pattern pieces printed; move sewing projects, random toys & other things that have now magically appeared in the 10minutes I was away from my sewing space; take a deep breath, ok I think we’re ready.
I took the instruction’s advice (make sure to read through the instructions more than once) & measured (more like eyeballed) one of my current cloth pads so that the ones I’m making can be similar in size (plus it gives me a visual for construction). After umming & aaahing for a bit I settled on the 2.75” pattern pieces at a 10”inch length, & I’ll be attempting the 3 different core options (exposed, visible, & hidden), because I like being extra like that.
Cut out pattern pieces, added tape, making sure everything has been connected with the precision of advanced OCD…easy peesy lemon squeezy.

Delve into the depths of my fabric containers for suitable fabrics, message your sewing person to double check you’re using the correct fabrics, delve back into the depths because that piece of fleece you spotted before will come in handy & let the cutting begin!

Honestly out of the whole process I think the cutting & tracing was the most difficult part (thank goodness) although truth be told I’m probably using the wrong thread, most definitely the wrong needle, the fabric is also questionable, but honestly I’m ploughing through a lot of fears here & it actually feels great so might as well give all the different stitches a try (I don’t think I’ve ever used an overcast stitch…where have you been all my life!!! And it actually came out looking pretty good).

So after all the stressing & worrying about making mistakes, wondering if they’ll look any good, hoping my machine doesn’t give me a mini heart attack when a needle breaks (no needles were harmed in the making of these cloth pads- hooray! Don’t forget channeling stitches & pressing seams are your friends) I think these came out pretty marvelous & best of all, no-one died! Can’t wait to give these festivenessnessnessnesses a try. Hope you’ll attempt them too!
Happy Sewing!