This weeks challenge: Winter is Coming
Accepted/Rejected: Accepted

So this week I made more Sprouts! Surprise. They really are the best for winter pants for Mr 4 to wear to daycare to keep warm and still be able to run around and play easily.

The Sprouts pattern is one of my favourites because it’s super versatile and has options for boys and girls. These are the Twigs option, I love the cuff because it means they can e a little too long but still stay up and that way the kids get a bit of extra wear out of them before they are too short.

I love both of these fabrics as they are dark so hopefully when they get dirty it won’t be as noticeable. I got both these fabrics from Obsessed by Fabric in late 2018, but she has now closed.

Parker was so excited when I gave him both of these this week and can’t wait to show his friends at Kindy.
Happy Sewing
xx Gail