I’m not usually big on New Year’s resolutions, what’s the point of waiting for a particular day to make changes? However towards the end of the year a lot of people were posting collage photos of all the items they had made for 2017, so I thought I’d join in.

Only thing is after looking at it for awhile I realised just how many items were missing! Things I’d sewn up at the last minute for gifts and forgotten to take a photo of, or even just that I haven’t kept my photos organised enough to find them. So this year I decided I’d like to try harder to take a photo of each item I make so that at the end of the year I can make another collage that includes them all this time.
My favorite sew for the year would have to be this Bazinga Backpack. I did start out making it for one of the kids but have now claimed it for carrying all my crafty supplies for sewing meetups.
The other thing I realised was I do a lot of sewing for the kidlets and other people but not for me, so this year I will try to sew more for me. Starting with a new EZ Wrap Wallet that I will sew up during the Sew Along.
What are your sewing resolutions for 2018?
Happy Sewing xx