I’m not sure where 2021 disappeared to, some days it felt like it wasn’t ever going to end but now that it’s finished it seems to have zipped past so quickly.
My sewing machines spent a big part of 2021 packed away so I didn’t really get much sewing in for the year, something I am hoping to change for 2022. As a way to keep me motivated and in the hope that I actually get some sewing done I’m going to try and participate in the 52 Week Sewing Challenge again this year.
If you want to join in there are a few groups on facebook depending on where you are, I will be following the weekly challenges in the The Aussie 52 Week Sewing Challenge 2022.
You can find all my past sewing challenge sews here. Fingers crossed the challenge works and motivates me to sew some more.
Happy Sewing
x Gail