Like everyone else our lives are pretty busy and between my day job, running Flosstyle and making sure I spend enough time with my family I don’t always get to sew for my kids as much as I’d like. ( I’m sure that’s not what you came here expecting to read)

When I do sew I want to make sure it’s something they need or are going to get a lot of use out of, rather than a just because I can piece that they might only wear once or twice, because let’s be honest who really wants to spend that precious time sewing for something that’s not going to be used very much!
With the weather starting to warm up and the kids growing way too quickly both my little monsters need new clothes. So I’ve decided I’m going to create a capsule wardrobe for them and would love for you all to join in!

What is a capsule wardrobe and how does it work?
Its a collection of coordinating clothes that can be used to form multiple outfits. So if you create 4 Shorts/pants, 4 tops and 2 hats that adds up to a possibility of 32 different outfits!!

But there is no way I’m getting that much sewn times 2, so I will be mixing it up with some bought, some sewn and and some upcycled/modified clothing to create the perfect spring capsule for the boys. Look out for my next post about organising their wardrobes.
Wοnderful idea. Can’t waitto see what you come up with.
So glad to see something like this for boys. Excited to see your next post and follow along.
Great site. Just had a quick read.